- A field of 225 to 250 tiles of land in Petit-Trou-de-Nippes.
- A church with a capacity of 3000 to 5000 people.
- An orphanage.
- A health center for 300 children.
- A university of 2000 students.
- A dormitory for students.
- A playground of football, tennis volleyball and basketball.
- A swimming pool and a restaurant for students.
- A 300-room hotel for missionaries.
- A hospital for 500 patients.
- A rehabilitation center for the elderly of 200 people.
- A community center there will be: a bookstore, a computer room, a reception room, a waiting room.
- Creation of a community center in Tiby, second (2nd) communal section of Petit-Trou-de-Nippes to help the people of the area to grow and develop from the spiritual, intellectual, professional and economic.
This project will cost $ 1.5 Million USD.
The town of Petit-Trou-de-Nippes, founded in 1631, a century and a half after the discovery of Haiti by Christopher Colonb in 1492. Petit-Trou-de Nippes, part of a geographical agglomeration called the Nippes. In 2003, elevated to the rank of department. It is populated by more than a million and a half inhabitants. The city of Petit-Trou-de-Nippes is one of the oldest cities in Haiti.From its antiquity, it is deprived almost everything: bookstore for students, school of English, computer, troubleshooting ordinate, professional school well equipped (sewing, pastry, floral art, kitchen etc).
Because of all this, she lives in extreme poverty where people especially young people know all sorts of misery in front of which the leaders of this city are insensitive while this poverty is growing every day.
Unable to resist this extreme poverty, young people from this area leave their hometown to live in Port-au-Prince, Santo Domingo, Brezil, Chile in search of a better life.
No higher education center, no faculty, no hospital to name just that.
Not being able to stand idly by in such situations, the Lord has put in our hearts the idea of reating a community center in Tiby where there will be:
a) A bookstore for students.
b) A kindergarten school.
c) An English school.
d) A school school for adults.
e) A professional school well equipped for sewing, baking, floral art, cooking.
f) A computer school including computer troubleshooting.
(g) Portable water, toilets, etc.
4- Justification and description of the project
After the inventory of the needs of the area, by virtue of our vocation in Jesus Christ and the missision entrusted to us that of saving souls and helping people to grow and develop spiritually, intellectually, professionally and economically and in line with the objectives that God of Mercy and Power Ministry proposes to reach, this project aims at helping the people of Tiby, Petit-Trou-de Nippes and those of the surrounding areas to have effective tools to be able to resist the threats that the future reserves them.
Given the urgency of this center for the full development of the area and the expectation of the people of the municipality for its realization, this
This project is part of the most urgent needs of Tiby.To perform this work to be done in time, the project of setting up a community center in Tiby, second (2nd) communal section of Petit-Trou-de Nippes is short term.
5- Objectives
a) General objective.
Since we can not close our eyes or cross our arms in front of the precarious situation that the people of Petit-Trou-de-Nippes are going through, and this is going every day from bad to worse, this project will allow the people of the area to experience a life better by learning a profession to fight against the vissicitudes of life and not having in mind the desire to leave the province to swell the ranks of shantytown to the capital and not increase the misery attracts our country .
b) Specific objectives
1) To equip and help the people of the Tiby area and other surrounding areas to have a profession to be able to fight the demands of life.
2) Decrease the rate of rural exodus that is experienced every day in our country.
Encourage young people to love work for the good development of their community. Because, work has
1) says Voltaire, removes man from three (3) evils: vice, boredom and leisure.
6- Area of xecution.
This project will take place in the second (2nd) section of Petit-Trou-de Nippes especially in Tiby.
7- Target audience.
Young people, children, adults. In short, all the people of Tiby and all the other surrounding areas.
8- Implementation strategies.
To better carry out this project, an ad hoc committee of seven (7) members will be set up, composed of:
1- A president.
2- A vice president.
3- A secretary.
4- An eclole representative (director or teacher).
5- A treasurer.
6- A counselor.
7- One delegate.
NB: A monitoring and follow-up committee will be set up to protect and maintain this center
9 – Expected results.
By doing such a project, the children, young people and adults of the area and other localities will evolve in another frame, will experience a life different from that of the past.
Creation of a community center in Tiby aims at training professional executives for the development of the rest of our payis.Car, the progress of any nation depends on the human and professional resources of this country.
10- Estimated budget.
Number, description (articles), quantity, price per unit in Haitian and American dollars, total price in Haitian and American dollars.